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A DDK application needs to implement methods for storing contracts, the internal bdk wallet, and transport peers.

DDK Trait

pub trait DdkStorage: dlc_manager::Storage /*+ PersistBackend<ChangeSet> */ {
fn list_peers(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<PeerInformation>>;
fn save_peer(&self, peer: PeerInformation) -> anyhow::Result<()>;


pub trait Storage {
/// Returns the contract with given id if found.
fn get_contract(&self, id: &ContractId) -> Result<Option<Contract>, Error>;
/// Return all contracts
fn get_contracts(&self) -> Result<Vec<Contract>, Error>;
/// Create a record for the given contract.
fn create_contract(&self, contract: &OfferedContract) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Delete the record for the contract with the given id.
fn delete_contract(&self, id: &ContractId) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Update the given contract.
fn update_contract(&self, contract: &Contract) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Returns the set of contracts in offered state.
fn get_contract_offers(&self) -> Result<Vec<OfferedContract>, Error>;
/// Returns the set of contracts in signed state.
fn get_signed_contracts(&self) -> Result<Vec<SignedContract>, Error>;
/// Returns the set of confirmed contracts.
fn get_confirmed_contracts(&self) -> Result<Vec<SignedContract>, Error>;
/// Returns the set of contracts whos broadcasted cet has not been verified to be confirmed on
/// blockchain
fn get_preclosed_contracts(&self) -> Result<Vec<PreClosedContract>, Error>;
/// Update the state of the channel and optionally its associated contract
/// atomically.
fn upsert_channel(&self, channel: Channel, contract: Option<Contract>) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Delete the channel with given [`ChannelId`] if any.
fn delete_channel(&self, channel_id: &ChannelId) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Returns the channel with given [`ChannelId`] if any.
fn get_channel(&self, channel_id: &ChannelId) -> Result<Option<Channel>, Error>;
/// Returns the set of [`SignedChannel`] in the store. Returns only the one
/// with matching `channel_state` if set.
fn get_signed_channels(
channel_state: Option<SignedChannelStateType>,
) -> Result<Vec<SignedChannel>, Error>;
/// Returns the set of channels in offer state.
fn get_offered_channels(&self) -> Result<Vec<OfferedChannel>, Error>;
/// Writes the [`ChainMonitor`] data to the store.
fn persist_chain_monitor(&self, monitor: &ChainMonitor) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Returns the latest [`ChainMonitor`] in the store if any.
fn get_chain_monitor(&self) -> Result<Option<ChainMonitor>, Error>;